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The Facilities

Within The Garden, you'll discover a haven for sports enthusiasts, featuring a diverse range of resources that cater to a variety of athletes. Step onto our indoor turf fields, perfect for anything from soccer and lacrosse to ultimate frisbee and more. Hone your jump-shot and ball handling on our hard-wood basketball courts. Experience the crack of the bat in our fully automated batting cages, where baseball and softball players can fine-tune their swing with precision. And for those seeking a high-intensity workout, our state-of-the-art CrossFit studio offers a dynamic space to push your limits with the help of professional trainers. Whatever your passion, RSG is dedicated to providing the ultimate environment for athletes of all ages and abilities to thrive, compete, and excel.

Hours of Operation
Monday to Thursday - 3:30pm to 10pm
Friday - 5pm to 10pm
Saturday - 10am to 10pm
Sunday - 10am to 8pm 

RSG will be closed 

Nov 28th, Dec. 23rd-25th, April 20th, & May 26th

Hardwood Courts

Step onto RSGs pristine & polished courts. Crafted with utmost precision and care, our hardwood courts boast a flawless surface that ensures consistent bounce and perfect traction for athletic maneuvers. All courts come with lightweight portable benches and electronic scoreboards. 

We offer two 30x60 foot Hardwood Basketball Courts.


At RSG we use high quality artificial turf which is inspected & brushed weekly to ensure a natural feel and optimal player experience. Our two indoor multi-use boarded turf fields come equipped with remote-controlled electronic scoreboards, built-in player benches, and clear plexiglass walls for easy spectator viewing. 

We Offer Two 25x60 yard Fields. 


RSG offers four indoor batting cages with auto-fed pitching machines. Each with adjustable speed and pitch height to guarantee the perfect experience for players of all ages and skill levels.  

Two Cages for Little League Baseball & Slow Pitch Softball 


Two Cages for Fast Pitch Softball & Slow Pitch Softball


CrossFit RSG is a 2,400 sq ft. training facility located inside the Rochester Sports Garden. Our space is fully equipped by Rogue Fitness with everything from Concept 2 Rowers, Echo bikes, barbells, kettlebells, dumbbells, plyo-boxes, climbing ropes, squat racks, a multi-functional Rogue Infinity Series rig, and much more. All members also receive exclusive access to a private bathroom & changing area.

CrossFit classes run 6 days per week. Some Core Elements include: 






For over a decade RSG has been the home to the Genesee Valley Table Tennis Club. Recent upgrades such as new lighting, Butterfly tables, and official tournament flooring, have elevated this designated space to a professional level. Open 7 days a week, the club offers a variety of programs including: Membership/Open Play, Group Classes for kids and Adults, Private Training, Leagues, Tournaments, Summer Camps and more.

1460 East Henrietta Road Rochester, NY 14623

(585) 427-2240

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Rochester Sports Garden

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